Toad and Friends

With the excellent team at WildChild, we used a brand new pipeline, using Unreal for lighting and rendering, to bring Kenneth Grahame’s classic ‘Wind in the Willows’ to today’s global audience with Hoho Ent & The Cartoon Network. We celebrate the rough and tumbles of friendship, it’s not saccharine, there’s SOME grit, sometimes they quarrel and fall out, but it’s always sorted out by the end of each adventure.

And we celebrate the countryside - the joys of getting out there in it! (And apparently, we saved 88 tonnes of Co2 using Unreal to render, which is rather apt, eh?)

We hope our shows will gently offer our young viewers a little help for how they might navigate this ever-tricky, real world for themselves. Hopefully, with a smile and a sense of adventure!

I enjoyed directing the voices for this series, we had a superb cast: Adrian Edmondson, Reuben Joseph, Rish Shah, Amalia Vitae, Ryan Sampson, Seana Kerslake, Simon Paisley Day and Clarence Watson. I enjoyed the many chats with Gareth Davies who did the superb music score, Ant and the great team at Red Rabbit who patiently put up with my requests to go further and further with the audio effects!

52 episodes, coming soon. This clip is the ‘POP’. (The ‘Proof of Production’) that we made at the start. MANY lessons learnt and improvements made since we did this, but when I saw it, I knew we were onto something good!